Monday, May 28, 2007

darwinism versus creationism

Darwinism Versus Creationism

According to a 2005 Pew Research poll, 70 percent of evangelical Christians believe that living beings have always existed in their present form (Shermer, 1). Most scientists consider Darwin’s theory fact. In this battle of fact versus faith, the stakes are high. If Darwinians are in the wrong then science in general becomes flawed. If Creationists are wrong then their morals and lifestyles are obliterated. If Creationists abandon their beliefs in favor of Darwinism and find out they were wrong to switch, then they are damned for eternity. How then, can these two “theories” be compromised? Is it possible to be a Christian Darwinian?
Darwin asserted that living species descended through the gradual genetic transformation of populations over thousands of millions of years. Creationism refers to the belief that some or all of the various forms of life on earth were brought into being by a creator (Pagel, 1). The bible states that God created the world in 144 hours 10,000 years ago. Evolution is apparent in fossils discovered, the existence of vestigial organs and pseudo genes, and biogeography to name just a few (Coyne, 7). Creationism is an inadequate alternative to Darwinism because it rejects much of modern science without sufficient justification or adequate alternatives. Since 1973, more than 100,000 peer-reviewed papers on neo-Darwinian evolution have been published. Creationism, on the other hand, is represented by just a single peer-reviewed paper (Coyne, 22). Creationists have tried to assert that Intelligent Design is a plausible scientific theory. This is not a realistic label for the idea because it cannot be tested or falsified. Every year, more and more proof of Darwin’s theory of Evolution is discovered while contradictory evidence is yet to be found. Some examples of such evidence are; the geological record formed incrementally over long periods of time, transitional forms appearing in sedimentary layers, and that DNA and RNA sequences are the core of inheritance (making evolutionary change both possible and physically inevitable, given limits to replication fidelity.) (Pagel, 2) Scientific support for macroevolution is now comparable in strength to that for the planets’ orbiting of the sun. Yet, creationists are quick to pick up on the smallest technical uncertainty to make their case. With so much evidence built up against their faith, Creationists have, at times, resorted to irrational explanations. One such instance was in 1972 when a prominent quick creationist, Henry Morris, asserted that the essence of evolution was transmitted by Satan to Adam in the Garden of Eden and that it is responsible for communism, racism, imperialism, militarism, pornography, promiscuity, and perversion.(Pagel, 3) In the end, denial of Evolution makes the Christian church look bad. If something as small as when the earth was created is called into question it leaves the door open for the religion as a whole to be called into question.
For rational, clear-headed Christians, however, there is a third option. Evolution and theology are more intertwined than most would think. Evolution sets the foundation for the core values shared by most Christians. Evolution explains original sin and the Christian model of human nature. As a social primate, we evolved within-group amity and between-group enmity. By nature, then, we are cooperative and competitive, altruistic and selfish, greedy and generous, peaceful and bellicose; in short, good and evil. Moral codes and a society based on the rule of law are necessary to accentuate the positive and attenuate the negative sides of our evolved nature.(Shermer, 1) Still another compromising view is that God was, and is, behind evolution. Without this “intelligentdesigner” how could the universe be so perfect? To fully accept both religion and Evolution though I agree with Stephen Jay Gould when he asserts that science and religion are two distinct realms of knowledge, with wisdom arising from combining science (the basis for effective action) and religion (the key source of values).
Regardless which of these theories is the answer, one thing is for certain: viewing the other side as the opponent or the enemy is only detrimental to both causes. Thinking in black and white terms has never solved anything. Such stiff-necked rigidity hinders us from moving toward both scientific and theological truth. Creationism is outdated and fails to answer today’s demands as a “scientific idea”. Evolution is a fact, as real as the insignificant appendix in your body. Creationism has clearly lost the battle butEvolution is a kind conqueror. It is able to sort through the remains and reform the concept of Creationism into a plausible and workable idea.


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